Surgery Department
International Medical College Hospital has well established and highly equipped general and laparoscopic surgery unit. This unit is providing a quality service to patients. Surgeries are done here as follows:
- Removal of different tumours
- Treatment of chronic ulcer
- GIT surgery
- Breast surgery
- Thyroid surgery
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy etc.
Meet Our Doctors
Our Services
- Service Name
- 1. -Breast Tumor (Fibroadenoma)
- 2. -Breast Tumor (Mass)
- 3. Abscess
- 4. Abscess Drainage - Epidural (S/A)
- 5. Abscess Drainage - G/A
- 6. Abscess Drainage - Local infiltration Anaesthesia
- 7. Adhesonolysis of labial Adhesion + G/A
- 8. Anderson - Hyne's Pyeloplasty + G/A
- 9. Appendiscetomy
- 10. Appendiscetomy-Epidural Block (S/A)
- 11. APR (Abdomino Perinial Resection) + G/A Charge
- 12. Biopsy
- 13. Cholecystectomy (Open) + G/A Charge
- 14. Circumcision
- 15. Circumcision Under G/A
- 16. Circumcision-Caudal Block
- 17. Circumcision-Epidural Block (S/A)
- 18. Circumcision-Local infiltration Anaesthesia
- 19. Cleft Lip Operation + G/A
- 20. Cleft Palate Operation + G/A
- 21. Colonic Surgery + G/A Charge
- 22. Cystic hygroma and Hemangiosal Eccision + G/A
- 23. Emergency Colostomy in ARM+G/A Charge
- 24. Emergency Laparotomy + G/A Charge
- 25. Emergency Laparotomy for neonatal Intestinal Obstruction
- 26. Excision and eversion of sac of Hydrocele + S/A
- 27. Excision of Fibroadenoma + G/A Charge
- 28. Excision of Lipoma- General Anaesthesia
- 29. Excision of Lipoma-Local infiltration
- 30. Excision of Sebaceous cyst-Local infiltration
- 31. Excission Biopsy
- 32. Fissure Operation
- 33. Fistulectomy
- 36. Gastractomy Surgery + G/A Charge
- 37. Hemorroidectomy
- 38. Hernioplasty / Herniorrhaphy
- 39. High Ligation of Vericoccele + S/A
- 40. Hydrocele
- 41. Lap. Chole
- 42. Laparoscopic Appendiscetomy+Machine Charge+Under G/A
- 43. Laparoscopic Hernioplasty / Herniotomy + Other + G/A Charge
- 44. Laparoscopic Lt Hemicholectomy + Others + G/A Charge
- 45. Laparoscopic rectopexy + G/A Charge
- 46. Laparoscopic Rt Hemicholectomy + Others + G/A Charge
- 47. Laparoscopy Cholecystectomy + Machine Charge + G/A Charge
- 48. Lateral Sphingterotomy + S/A
- 49. LN Biopsy Under + L/A
- 50. Machine Charge (Surgery)
- 51. Mastectomy
- 52. Mastectomy-Radical + G/A Charge
- 53. Nephro/Pyelo/Transvesical Lithotomy +G/A
- 54. Operation of the Incisional Hernia + G/A Charge
- 55. Operation of the thyroglosal cyst + G/A
- 56. Operation of the Umbilical Hernia + G/A Charge
- 57. Operation of Varicose vain + S/A
- 58. Parotoidectomy + G/A Charge
- 59. Portojejonostomy / Hepaticojejonostomy + G/A Charge
- 60. Primary Clouser of the Cloacal exstrophy + G/A
- 61. Primary Clouser of the Exstrophy of the Urunary Bladder + G/A
- 62. Proctoscopy
- 63. Prostectomy (Transvesical) + S/A
- 64. Protoscopy
- 65. PSARP for imperforated anus + G/A
- 66. Pyloromyotomy+G/A
- 68. Staged urethroplasty + G/A
- 69. Swenson's Pull-Through Operation + G/A
- 70. Thyroidectomy-Subtotal + G/A Charge
- 71. Thyroidectomy-Total
- 72. Urethroplasty 1 stage + G/A