Orthopedics Department
International Medical college Hospital is highly specialized and multi-disciplinary hospital one of these deepline orthopaetics provide every facilities of treatment as :
- Orthopaedics emergency
- Replacement surgery (Total hip and total knee replacement)
- Arthoscopy surgery
- Different type of fracture management
- CTEV foot
- Orthopaedics Medicine (Various type of pain treatment) due to ostesarthritis of different joints and back pain.
Meet Our Doctors
Our Services
- Service Name
- 1. Ankle Fracture (Bi Malleolar)
- 2. Ankle Fracture (Single Malleolar)
- 3. Ankle Fracture (Tri Malleolar)
- 4. Back Slab Leg Plaster Remove
- 5. Back Slab Remove (Arm)
- 6. Creap Bandage Application
- 7. Dressing (Large)
- 8. Dressing (Small)
- 9. Epidural Injection
- 10. External Fixator (Spinal/G/A)
- 11. Flap (Spinal/ G/A)
- 12. Foreign Body Removal (Without Anaesthesia)
- 13. Fracture Neck of the Femur (Prosthesis)
- 14. Fracture shaft of Hummerus
- 15. Fracture shaft of the Femur (introrlocking)
- 16. Fracture shaft of the Femur (Plate & Screw)
- 17. Full Plaster Remove (Arm)
- 18. General (GA)
- 19. Ilizarov (Spinal/ G/A)
- 20. Implant Removal (Any)
- 21. Intertrochanteric Fracture (DHS)
- 22. Intra-articular (IA) Intralesional (IL) Injection
- 23. Joint Fluid Aspiration
- 24. Local
- 25. Long arm back slab (LABS)
- 26. Long arm full plaster (LAFP)
- 27. Long leg back slab (LLBS)
- 28. Long leg full plaster (LLFP)
- 29. Long Leg Full Plaster Remove
- 30. Lower limb Close Reduction (CR)
- 31. Lower limb Open Reduction & Internal Fixation (ORIF)
- 32. Lower limb Open Reduction & Internal Fixation (ORIF) with Bone Graft
- 33. Minor Surgery under Digit-block (D/B) or (L/A)
- 34. Orthopedic OT C-ARM charge
- 35. Patella Implant Removal
- 36. Radius/Ulna Fracture Both Bone
- 37. Radius/Ulna Fracture Single Bone
- 38. Short arm back slab (SABS)
- 39. Short arm full plaster (SAFP)
- 40. Short arm full slab (SAFS)
- 41. Short leg back slab (SLBS)
- 42. Short leg full plaster (SLFP)
- 43. Short Leg Full Plaster Remove
- 44. Skin grafting (Small/Medium) G/A / Spinal
- 45. Skin grafting Large (G/A/ Spinal)
- 46. Spinal (SAB)
- 47. Spine Surgery
- 48. Strapping
- 49. T-Y Condylar Fracture
- 50. Tendon Repair (General Anesthesia)
- 51. Tendon Repair (Local Anesthesia)
- 52. Tendon Repair (Spinal Anesthesia)
- 53. Total Hip
- 54. Total Knee
- 55. Upper limb Close Reduction (CR)
- 56. Upper limb Open Reduction & Internal Fixation (ORIF)
- 57. Upper limb Open Reduction & Internal Fixation (ORIF) with Bone Graft