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About Me:

Hasina Akter, age 36 years. She Completed SSC on 2000 and HSC on 2002 from Rifles public school and college, Dhaka. She obtained MBBS degree from Gonoshasthaya Samaj Vittik Medical College, Savar, Dhaka on July, 2008. Then after she joined as a lecturer of physiology in Enam Medical College, Parbati Nagar, Savar, Dhaka.

She completed Certificate course on Diabetology (CCD) and Certificate Course on Medical Ultrasound (CMU).

She obtained M. Phil in Physiology on July, 2014 from Sir Salimullah Medical College under BSMMU. Then she joined as a senior lecturer of Physiology in Enam Medical College. After this she joined as an Assistant Professor in Physiology department in International Medical College on January 2016. She has been teaching Physiology for last nine years. She is a regular examiner under Dhaka University since 2016. She has one international and nine national publications.

November 17, 2020


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